September 2022 Client Newsletter
Stephen Merritt, CPA, PC | Certified Public Accountants | (757) 420-5778
233 Business Park Drive, Suite 104, Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Your monthly news & updates

Pumpkin Spice is in the air
What’s Inside
- Estimated Tax Payments – Do They Apply to You?
- Candy Jar Guessing Game
- September Days
- Check It Out!
- Office Hours
- COVID-19
Estimated Tax Payments – Do They Apply To You?
There are two ways to make income tax payments to the IRS throughout the year: through the withholding amount on your paycheck, and through making estimated tax payments. If you have ever wondered about estimated tax payments, this article will explain what they are, if you need to make them, and how to make them if they are required for your tax situation.
Although you may never have had to worry about them before, a change in your income/situation may put you in a position of needing to make estimated tax payments during the year. If you fail to make estimated payments (and therefore fail to pay taxes on your income as you earn it), you may be in for a nasty surprise come tax time: a hefty tax bill along with an unwelcome penalty from the IRS.
Who is required to pay estimated tax payments?
In general, you are required to make quarterly estimated tax payments if both of the following apply:
- You expect to owe at least $1,000 in federal tax after subtracting federal tax withholding and credits, and
- You expect your federal withholding and credits to be less than the smaller of:
- 90 percent of the tax to be shown on your current year federal return, or
- 100 percent of the tax shown on your prior year federal return
There are additional rules for some type of taxpayers, such as farmers and fishermen.
If you receive your main income via paycheck as an employee who receives a W-2, chances are you won’t be subject to this requirement as long as your employer is withholding the proper amounts from your paychecks. The amount withheld is determined by the information on Form W-4 that you complete when you are hired.
What if you have income, but no paycheck? What if you have lots of income in addition to your paycheck? Chances are you will need to make estimated tax payments (or adjust your withholding). Most taxpayers who are subject to making estimated tax payments are those who have a large amount of income on which there is no tax withholding, including interest, dividend, capital gains, rental/royalty, or business income.
If you receive a paycheck, you can avoid making estimated payments by increasing your W-2 withholdings enough to cover any additional tax liabilities. Make sure to double check with your employer, to ensure that the correct information is being used to calculate your tax withholdings.
If you do have additional income and you don’t get a paycheck, or you do, but you simply don’t want to withhold more from your paycheck, you will need to make estimated tax payments.
What information do I need?
In order to determine the proper amount of estimated tax payments to make, you’ll need to approximate your adjusted gross income, taxable income, taxes, credits, and other deductions. Start with your prior year return information, and make changes based on what you know will be different. Form 1040-ES, which can be found on the IRS website, includes an Estimated Tax Worksheet to help you with this process.
When are these payments due?
Estimated tax payments are generally made in four installments. Payments are due by April 15th, June 15th, September 15th, and January 15th of the next year. These dates are based on quarterly payment periods (you pay tax on income earned during each applicable quarterly period); however, notice that the payment due dates aren’t all three months apart.
As a side note, you are not required to make the final payment on January 15th if you file your current year tax return by February 1st and pay the entire balance due with your return.
Where and how do I make my quarterly estimated tax payments?
There are various ways of making estimated tax payments for the current year, including:
- Mailing the payment in with a voucher – Form 1040-ES
- Paying by phone or electronically via EFTPS, the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System
- Making a payment via EFT with your prior year e-filed return
- Remitting a payment on the IRS website (or the appropriate state tax authority website; yes, you may need to make estimated tax payments to your state). Here’s the IRS link:
- Applying an overpayment on your prior year return towards your current year estimated tax payments
Why should I consider making estimated tax payments?
The main reason is to avoid penalties and interest on underpayments. This can happen if your income varies a lot from year to year; you can get surprised by the changes.
Penalties and interest can add up quickly. They are calculated based on the number of days you are late – so, even if you’re already behind, don’t panic! You can address the situation now and minimize the dollar amount of penalties you are hit with.
Getting on track with making proper and timely estimated tax payments may help you in the long run. Getting hit with a large tax bill on April 15th is no fun, and by breaking your tax liability down into four installment payments, you may be doing yourself a big favor in forcing yourself to set those funds aside and having them available to make your payments (while simultaneously keeping the IRS at bay).
This can also help you to avoid a “snowballing” problem in the future – if you end up with a large bill that you cannot pay all at once, and you get on a payment plan with the IRS, it can be difficult to play catch-up.
Staying on top of your estimated tax payments requires you to be more disciplined and aware of your tax responsibilities as a taxpayer and/or business owner. If you need help getting these calculated or set up, please reach out any time.

“They always say Yee-Haw, but they never ask Haw-Yee”
How Many Wrappers Are In This Jar?
Barb has had a bit of a candy problem here at the office as of late.
She really is loving the Hi-Chews we keep in the candy drawer!
We’ve decided to make a game of it and keep all the wrappers from her candy drawer raids in August!
The Game:
Guess how many candy wrappers are in the glass jar and the person with the closest guess will win some Louis Swag!
The Winner will be announced in next month’s Newsletter!
September Days
Here are some Days to Remember in September!
September 5th – Labor Day
On the first Monday in September, Labor Day honors and recognizes the contributions and achievements of American workers. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century.
September 11th – Patriot Day
Patriot Day is dedicated to honoring the memory of the nearly 3,000 innocent victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
September 15th – Tax Deadline
September 15th is the filing deadline for “S” Corporations and Partnership Tax Returns that received an extension.
September 18th – U.S. Air Force Birthday
“Aim High… Fly-Fight-Win”
September 18th, 2022 marks the 75th Birthday of both the United States Air Force and the Air National Guard.
September 22nd – Hobbit Day
“Hobbits really are amazing creatures.” -Gandalf the Grey
Celebrate Hobbit day by sitting down and enjoying Tolkien’s classic written works, watching the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, enjoying a classic Hobbit Day Meal Plan (Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Elevenses, Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, Dinner and Supper) or going on your own adventure!
September 29th – National Coffee Day
According to professional coffee tasters, there are four components of a perfect cup of coffee: aroma, body, acidity and flavor. Take today to enjoy a nice cup of hot or iced coffee!
Note from Editor: Try a Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew, with white chocolate mocha and extra cold foam from Starbucks! Yummers

Throwback! We’re sorry for not sharing this adorable pic sooner!
Check It Out!
Look at these beautiful flowers given to the office from a client!
They really brighten the conference room up!
We’re always so grateful for our amazing clients! 🙂
Office Hours
Office Hours: May 2, 2022 – December 2, 2022
Monday – Thursday
8 AM to 5 PM
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Stephen Merritt, CPA, P.C. understands the challenge the impact COVID-19 has on our community.
Fully-Vaccinated individuals are not required to wear a mask while in our office.
Unvaccinated or not Fully-Vaccinated individuals must wear masks and follow COVID-19 protocol, such as social distancing, while in our office to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Tax documents may be mailed, FAXed, emailed, uploaded to client portal, or dropped off.
Final Returns can be picked up or mailed out.
As always, please call, we are happy to assist.
Stay safe and healthy!